I will probably have to live another 100 years in order to use up all of the materials that I have already purchased for all of the projects that I have determined I want to do. That probably isn't going to happen. (If it did, I would be one of the oldest humans living since Old Testament times!)
So, here's the problem. I can't seem to break away from browsing and surfing the net. If I spent just one hour a day on the Internet, I could get so much more actual creative work done; but here's what happens. I start looking for a resource, or I answer an email, or .... next thing you know I'm on YouTube watching how to make another exciting, new thing. Then I've joined a group or forum that is dedicated to the making of the new thing. Then instead of doing the new thing myself, I'm trying to figure out which is the best of the ideas from the new thing group/forum members. Then I have to find what materials/resources they've been using and then I have to search some more to see if there is a DIY version so I can make the supplies with materials that I already have so DH won't be upset about me spending even more money on a new, new thing when I haven't finished the last several new things I started. So there I am perfectly content to have all of this information, but no new thing in hand!
I am a PROCESS PERSON married to a PROJECT PERSON. Most of the time I am perfectly happy in my quest for new things. But today, I'm feeling like I want to have more completed projects in my life.
So I've gotten this off my chest. Still haven't added to my list of completed projects. But I've got lot's of ideas and supplies. Oh and a host of new friends in the forums and groups that I am a part of. I guess there are worse ways to spend my time!
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