Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Love Ebay!!!

I needed more yarn.

No, really let me explain. I'm knitting EZ's ASJ (see yesterday's post). I'm using yarn from my considerable yarn stash. (In the she-who-has-the-most-yarn-wins competition, I have no doubt I've won, yarn shop owners are ineligible for the contest, more about that another time.) I have some Lane Borgosesia "Bijou" and some GGH "Toskana" that I've swatched up and I'm lovin' what I see.

I have enough balls of a couple of shades of green, blue, a wonderful wine, and 1 lowly ball of a beautiful, rich, ruby red. I needed more red and the yarn is discontinued! I searched Ravelry to see if any of my fellow ravelry-ers had it listed in their stash, but noooooo. I googled discontinued yarns to see if any of the online discontinued yarn retailers had it again, nada.

I had dismissed ebay, after all this yarn hasn't been around for awhile, why would anyone have it listed for sale at ebay. I know I wouldn't get rid of mine 'cuz it really is luscious. But there it was, 9 beautiful, radiant, rich, ruby red balls of it and now they're on their way to my house! I also bought 8 gorgeous, glowing, glorious gold balls of it which will make the ASJ everything I'm hoping it will be and more! (somehow I find myself humming the Twelve Days of Christmas...."and a partridge in a pear tree".)

I really needed this yarn, no, really!

One ball is too many, a thousand is never enough!

Be Blessed!

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