I coveted that pattern. Somehow those whimsical little flowers on that darling little purse were insistently demanding that I go back and purchase the pattern. I resisted the temptation, I focused on making a more functional, utilitarian felted bag. I made one on my bulky knitting machine, it was nice, but...it wasn't captivating like the Noni Bag.

I reasoned that if I just went back for the pattern, it would be a waste of gas, I reminded myself that I shouldn't even think of buying anymore yarn, I worked on a new French Sailor's Boatneck sweater for Kai. It had a pirate-ish feel to it and he's definitely in a pirate phase. Every stick or branch he finds when he's out on a walk with his Dad is a sword.
I broke down, drove to my LYS, and bought the pattern! Then I came home and went through my stash. (I worked at a yarn shop for 2 years, wearing an invisible sign around my neck that read "Will Work For Yarn"; I never got a paycheck!) . Nothing was bright, fun, or funky enough, so then I went online and found Wool of the Andes on sale. I created a wish-list but didn't place the order. Two days later, at 10 minutes to noon (the sale ended at noon) I capitulated, logged on and tried to place the order, my server was down. I grabbed the phone, called the order line and placed the order by phone, with seconds to spare. (Later, I found out that as long as I'd started the order before noon, I would get the sale price.) Talk about brinkmanship, with myself no less! Now I'm waiting for the yarn to arrive. Enough of this delayed gratification!!! I want to make this bag for myself. I also will be busily making them for my sistah-friends for Christmas.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Thy will not mine be done. I simply have to stay away from yarn shops, they are slippery places for me. I wonder if there's a 12-step program for yarn junkies? I'm signing off for now, I've got to track my yarn shipment to see when it's scheduled to be delivered. TTFN
D. D.